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Influence Of Polymer Phase- Structure Function Proteins Complex On Extraction Behavior Of Biotechnological Products In Novel Tunable Aqueous Polymer-Phase Impregnated Resins Technology


Dr. Tan Joo Shun

School of Industrial Technology

Email :

Phone No. : +6(04) 653 (Ext) 6376


  • To investigate the role of polymer that impregnated into resin on the interaction mechanism of polymer and two different protein species, bacteriocin and lipase by measuring partition coefficient.
  • To investigate the extraction behaviors of two different protein species, bacteriocin and lipase, to focus on impregnation in terms of stability and phase system via protein-impregnated resin interactions in TAPPIR system.
  • To show the effect of extraction process parameters of TAPPIR system on two different proteins, bacteriocin and lipase, using response surface methodology and artificial neural network for enhancement of the performance of TAPPIR system in combination with flotation system.

Impact To Goverment / Industry / Academic / Society

Tunable Aqueous Polymer-Phase Impregnated Resins Technology

Impregnation of dyed PEG into XAD4 resins

1) One phase of polymer

2) Polymer is being adsorbed into the Amberlite XAD4

3) The Amberlite XAD4 is fully impregnated with PEG

Recovery of bovine serum albumin (BSA) using AIRS

Polymer phase impregnation and extraction behavior of protein


In ATPS, purification fold of 3.4 and recovery yield of 93% were obtained for lipase protein.


In TAPPIR, purification fold of 7 .6 and recovery yield of 89% were obtained for lipase protein.