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Modelling Green Entrepreneurship Proclivity For Green Economy Among Generation Y Nascent Entrepreneurs


Prof. Dr. Noor Hazlina Ahmad

School of Management

Email :

Phone No : +6(04) 653 (Ext) 3370


  • To investigate the reasons for low green entrepreneurship proclivity among Malaysians.
  • To investigate how green orientations (i.e. green attitude and green value) affect perceptions (i.e., perceived desirability and perceived desirability) among Gen Y nascent entrepreneurs.
  • To investigate how cultural factors (i.e. social norm and government legislation) affect perceptions (i.e., perceived desirability and perceived desirability) among Gen Y nascent entrepreneurs.
  • To examine how perceptions (i.e., perceived desirability and perceived desirability) affect green entrepreneurship proclivity among Gen Y nascent entrepreneurs.
  • To examine if green entrepreneurship education moderates the relationship between perceptions and green entrepreneurship proclivity among Gen Y nascent entrepreneurs.
  • To develop the assessment metrics on the green entrepreneurship proclivity among Gen Y nascent entrepreneurs.
  • To develop a training module for green entrepreneurship proclivity among Gen Y nascent entrepreneurs.

Impact To Goverment / Industry / Academic / Society

  • Collaboration with GreenTech Malaysia to train local SMEs on Green Entrepreneurship and Management in 2015
  • Consultancy work on Green Entrepreneurship funded by GreenTech Malaysia (RM69,000)
  • Developed Green Entrepreneurship Index for SMEs called GREEN SCORE Conduct Green Entrepreneurship Coaching on 23 selected SMEs in the Greentech Malaysia database.
  • Conduct Green Entrepreneurship Seminars to the SME Owners funded by Greentech Malaysia (RM16,000)
  • Development of "Green Entrepreneurship Readiness Handbook - to train local SMEs on Green Entrepreneurship Awareness"


Green Entrepreneurship Seminar to local SMEs