Characterization Of Adhesion Coating And Moisture-Related Distresses Of Asphalt Mixtures Based On Aggregate Properties Through Multi-Paradigm Analysis
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Rosli Mohd Hasan
School of Civil Engineering
Email :
Phone No. : +6(04) 599 (Ext) 6288
- Improved road safety - pavement with better resistance to moisture-induced damage.
- Addressing a national issue - solution for "Zero Potholes" and eliminate unforgiving road conditions.
- 5 Papers (WoS)
- 2 Papers Scopus Journal
- 1 Chapter in Research Book
- 3 International Conferences
- 1 PhD student (graduated)
- 3 Innovation Awards
- 1 Copyright
Received fellowship from Matsumae International Foundation at Taiyu Kensetsu, Japan with Host: Dr. Nakanishi (JP¥340,000)

NSFC China (CNY 340,000) with Host: Prof Wang - Chang'an University, Xian, China

Wax additive for porous asphalt pavement construction on PLUS Highway Collaboration with Dr. Nakanishi from Taiyu Kensetsu, Japan & KPP Sdn. Bhd.

Material tested and Moisture conditioning approaches adopted for construction on PLUS Highway (Southbound c.a. 188 km) .