Green Aquaculture to Boost Oyster Industry And Coastal Communities In Malaysia
Prof. Dato' Dr. Aileen Tan Shau Hwai, FASc
School of Biological Sciences
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Phone No. : +6(04) 653 (Ext) 3508/6410
- This findings of this study are used to ensure that oyster seed production can be done all year round, using the cryo-preserved gametes.
- Oysters can now be continuously spawned artificially and securing the oyster seed supply to sustain oyster farming industry in Malaysia.
To have ready-stock of oyster sperms and eggs for seed production to ensure continuous supply of seed to support oyster industry in Malaysia.

Oyster industry has now expanded to other states due to consistent seed supply.
More investors are venturing into the oyster industry along the food value chain.
From FRGS to TR@M
(RM1,500,000) - Expansion from one community in Kedah to other areas in Malaysia to improve the livelihood of coastal B40.
Income- RM3,000/Culturist per Month to > 20 Coastal B40 Communities.
The coastal communities venturing in oyster farming are still able to enjoy a sustainable income from oyster farming.
Proving a sustainable food supply.