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The MAKNA Cancer Research Award was initiated in the year 2001 to promote cancer research among young scientists in advancing knowledge that is geared towards helping cancer patients and discovering potential cures for the disease. Since its introduction, MAKNA has awarded more than RM2 million towards funding cancer research by young researchers in Malaysia. To date, the programme has funded 69 researchers in all. Focusing on research is in line with the MAKNA mission, which is to mobilise all resources to provide curative, preventive, research and support services to cancer patients and families, high-risk groups and the public.

The Academy of Sciences Malaysia and MAKNA are pleased to invite you to submit your application for this award. Interested scientists may now apply for the 2023 award for projects related to cancer research. The application deadline is on 31 March 2024, 11:59 PM. Additional application details are as follows:

Application deadline

: 31 March 2024

Application link




  1. Malaysian citizens with a basic degree
  2. Below 40 years old
  3. Residing in Malaysia


  • All applications must be submitted online through the ASM Awards and Recognition system at https://www.akademisains.gov.my/2024-makna/ before the closing date.
  • The latest format of the research proposal may be downloaded from the ASM Awards and Recognition system. Application with the wrong or outdated research proposal will not be accepted.
  • Any resubmission from a previous application should be revised and updated.
  • All required information should be stated clearly and concisely.
  • The complete application documents comprised of the following:
    • Completed Application Form (Comprised of Section A: Impact of Research Output, Section B: Knowledge Generation, Section C: Knowledge Dissemination, Section D: Research Project Proposal (MAKNA) and Declaration.)
    • Completed MAKNA Research Proposal together with the Turnitin or plagiarism report in a single PDF file format.
    • Updated institutional endorsement form signed by the Dean / Head of the unit in which the candidate will realise the research work (dated no later than six months from the date of application).

Enclosed is the application form and the guidelines for reference. For further information and enquiries, you may email research-team@makna.org.my nurarifah.radzali@makna.org.my.

We would appreciate it if you could circulate this invitation to the relevant researchers (including Q Officers) under your department. Your kind cooperation and support in this matter are highly appreciated.

For more information on the MAKNA Cancer Research Award, please visit https://www.akademisains.gov.my/2024-makna/.


  • Hits: 275

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Division of Research & Innovation,
Level 6, Chancellory, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
No. Telefon : +604-653 3108 | No. Faks : 04-656 6466        
Email : rni@usm.my
Research Creativity and Management Office
Level 2, Chancellory II, Building E42, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
No. Telefon : +604-653 6537/6525 | No. Faks : 04-653 6553/6554  
Email : rcmo@usm.my