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eposter UTB STE CONNECT 2023 V2
Assalamualaikum and Good Day,
Warmest greetings from Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB)!

We are excited to announce that UTB-STE Connect 2023 (http://conference.utb.edu.bn/), a Congress organised by UTB will be taking place from 23rd to 25th October 2023 in Brunei Darussalam. This Congress provides an excellent opportunity for intellectual discourse, knowledge sharing and networking to participants from around the world.

This engaging event includes five conferences tailored to accommodate participants from diverse disciplines:

  • ​9th Brunei International Conference on Engineering & Technology 2023 (BICET)


  • 6th International Conference on Applied Computational Intelligence in Information Systems 2023 (ACIIS)


  • 2nd International Conference on Business, Management and Information Systems 2023 (ICBMIS)


  • 1st International Conference on Agrotechnology, Beverage and Food 2023 (ICABF)


  • 1st International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Computing, Engineering and Science Education 2023 (InvENT)


In addition, the Congress will highlight the following exciting features:

  • 2nd UTB University Presidents Forum
  • UTB Women’s Leadership Forum
  • 11th ATU-Net Board Meeting


Mark these important dates in your calendar:

Full paper submission                                  : 15 September 2023

Notification of acceptance                           : 30 September 2023

Camera ready paper submission                : 8 October 2023

Early bird presenter registration                 : 8 October 2023

Regular presenter registration                    : 15 October 2023


We would like to invite you to submit your paper to any of the above conferences that align with your interests. 

For more information, please visit http://conference.utb.edu.bn/ or reach out to the UTB-STE Connect 2023 Secretariat via email at ste.connect@staff.utb.edu.bn.

Please share this Congress call with colleagues at your institution. Networking is most effective when real people meet each other. See you in Brunei!

Sekian, terima kasih. 

  • Hits: 188

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