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  • Grant Management
  • HEPG


HEPG updated January 17th 2023

  • Instructions
    • Please use one form for each grant
    • Please tick in the appropriate box
    • Attachment required:
      • Extension of Grant : Please  attach milestone
      • Page Charges : Please attach a copy of evidence
      • Organizing Training/Workshop/Conference : Please attach proposal & budget
      • Change of Principal Investigator or Co-Researcher : Please attach latest CV
      • Additional of Co-Researcher : Please attach latest CV
      • Purchase of Additional Equipment : Please attach specification and minimum of 3 quotation
      • Purchase of Software : Please attach 3 quotations
      • Changes of Details for International Conference : Please attach a copy of the approved application
    • Please attach appendix if the space is not enough
    • Please delete whereever not applicable
    • Kindly comply with the rules and regulations of the research financial funding (Buku Pengurusan Kewangan Penyelidikan | Buku Tatacara Sebutharga Bekalan & Perkhidmatan| Buku Tatacara Pengurusan Aset Alih)
    • Students who wish to use the USM Postgraduates Research Grant Scheme must get the endorsement of IPS Dean 
  • Form


  • Hits: 5259

All Rights Reserved©R&I

Division of Research & Innovation,
Level 6, Chancellory, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
No. Telefon : +604-653 3108 | No. Faks : 04-656 6466        
Email : rni@usm.my
Research Creativity and Management Office
Level 2, Chancellory II, Building E42, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
No. Telefon : +604-653 6537/6525 | No. Faks : 04-653 6553/6554  
Email : rcmo@usm.my