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  • Division
  • R & I
  • Logotype


 logo RNI Description of Colour and Symbol.            

The orange and purple colours in the R&I logo is taken from the colours of the USM logotype, which are derived from the official USM crest.

The slanting “I”, which symbolises a slightly bowed posture is synonymous with the popular Malay term of resmi padi (following after the characteristics of a paddy plant) which is explained as semakin berisi semakin tunduk (the more one is enlightened, the more one bows in humility).

The “I” also stands for innovation, is located within the “R” of the logo to signify that the element of creativity must be present in research.

The orbit which originates from the “R” and encircles the logo represents the continuing and unending quest for new knowledge which stems from research itself.

  • Hits: 1159

All Rights Reserved©R&I

Division of Research & Innovation,
Level 6, Chancellory, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
No. Telefon : +604-653 3108 | No. Faks : 04-656 6466        
Email : rni@usm.my
Research Creativity and Management Office
Level 2, Chancellory II, Building E42, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
No. Telefon : +604-653 6537/6525 | No. Faks : 04-653 6553/6554  
Email : rcmo@usm.my